February 27, 2011

long time, no update

its been a while since ive last updated and i am determined to not let this blog fail like my other crazy projects. not like anything big has happened lately that i think is worthy of a blog post but i just feel like doing one.

(yup! the quiet chick is refusing to be quiet!)

well i guess the house flood is kind big but also kinda old news to me.
good new-the whole house is getting new carpet! nothing better than squishing your toes into fresh, untouched carpet.
ahhhhhhh..........feels so good..............

bad news-i have a lot of stuff. we gotta move everything to get the carpet out and in. uhhhggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ive started a diet and im doing pretty well at it! its called the "get off your lazy ass" diet. sounds super hard, right? what ive been doing is on days i work in the morning, i go to the gym. on days i work in the evenings, i take harley(the goofy yet lovable dog) for a 3 mile jog at the park. on the off days i hula hoop. thats it! oh and dont eat or drink any crap....... it also helps to read Skinny Bitch.

my old manager from my oklahoma days introduced me to this lovely book. its very straight forward, and brutally blunt. imagine a book yelling at you.....thats what it does.
a word a warning-you may find yourself thinking about becoming vegetarian if you visit the sources in the back of the book.

HULA HOOPS!!!!!!!!

i finally made some! its a whole lot of fun and a surprisingly intense workout. no im not crazy. my inspiration-SaFire. watch some of her videos!!! she is so awesome and ive already learned a few tricks! once i get better ill make some videos of me. jon still thinks this is gonna be one of my (many) short lived hobbies but ill prove him wrong! i got 3 hoops already and new tape and connectors to make mini hoops!

so here is an update on my goal list!
  1. start a blog
  2. work on drawing
  3. lose weight (will cross off when goal is met)
  4. make jewelry
  5. make hair accessories
  6. get out of debt
  7. buy a new camara
  8. work on photography
  9. buy a new computer
  10. learn photoshop
  11. learn to sew
  12. make clothes
  13. make a hula hoop
  14. learn tricks on hula hoop
  15. learn to paint
  16. travel
  17. learn to cook
  18. practice crochet
  19. go to school
  20. start a business
  21. get a tattoo
  22. make a sculpture
yay! got to cross off 2 more things! i have lost weight too but i want to wait till i reach my goal!

well thats all for now. if i dont get to cleaning then jon wont let me make and play with my mini hoops! :(

February 11, 2011

day 2

well the bedroom is about halfway evacuated but the bath tub is still full of clothes and shoes......
i called my job and told them the situation and to see if i could come in later to close. they were pretty understanding (i think). actually i dont think they really cared as long as someone is there to close. meh.

another positive: since the front yard flooded too, it froze over and you can ice skate on the grass!!! its smooth too!

jon was able to get off early so he sucking up all the water for me. :) i love him!

oh and i have piles of clothes that im getting rid of so if your interested call/txt/msg me!

back to work, just thought id update!

p.s. i wish i had a camera to take pictures of this mess; its quite ridiculous!

February 10, 2011


so the paint from the walls in the closet decided to flake off and melt onto my shoes.......

ive tried to stay clam and keep positive about this but i dont think i can do it any more.



its always nice to come home to a broken pipe and a flooded house...................NOT!!!!!

for a blog that has such an optimistic-like title, i sure have alot of negative things to post; facebook rants, my lack of productivity, FLOODS!!!


the pipe busted on MY side of the closet, soaking the majority of my clothes, shoes, and purses. the flood then decided that that wasnt enough so it soaked the entire room, the bathroom, the hallway, a corner of the living room, and the entry of mikes room. nobody has been home since about 9 this morning so we dont know when it started.


through all this mess though, there have been some good things. i found my favorite head band that tinker (my cat) stole from me. i can use this time to go through stuff and get rid of things i dont use or need. oh and discovered that 2 of my purses can hold about a gallon of water each. (not sure when that would come in handy but in a way i thought it was kinda neat.)

well its a short post but i gotta get back to cleaning. hopefully more good things will come tonight. :)
oh! i have a reason to wear my rain boot now!!! <(^.^)> YaY!


February 8, 2011

What You Waiting For?

TIME TO GET OFF MY LAZY ASS! i feel like a fake. facebook has gotten quite depressing for me. i surf around and see people i know going places, starting businesses, cooking, creating art, or even beautiful fashion.

tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock
(go back 10-15 years and you'll remember i even banned some people from doing these things because they sucked at it!)

tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock

here i am now..... always talking about how "i can make that", "i'll sew that for you", "I CAN DO THAT BETTER ". key word - talking. have i done any of these things for you? no. i cant remember the last time i drew/designed anything. my sewing skills are horrible; i cant even sew a straight line. why should you believe me when there is no proof that i can do any of the things i say i can.

take a chance you stupid hoe.

i'm gonna change that. here is a list of goals ive created. i will update yall on my progress. i will get things done.

  1. start a blog
  2. work on drawing
  3. lose weight
  4. make jewelry
  5. make hair accessories
  6. get out of debt
  7. buy a new camara
  8. work on photography
  9. buy a new computer
  10. learn photoshop
  11. learn to sew
  12. make clothes
  13. make a hula hoop
  14. learn tricks on hula hoop
  15. learn to paint
  16. travel
  17. learn to cook
  18. practice crochet
  19. go to school
  20. start a business
  21. get a tattoo
  22. make a sculpture
ok, so some of these may seem a little random and wacky but its what im feeling right now :) they are also not in any particular order either, lol. (jon was a little upset that 'get out of debt' was number 6.) if you want to help out or even collaborate let me know! im always open to new ideas! ^.^
thats about it i guess. my 2011 goals. i will re-update the list as things get done. 

HEY!!! i got to cross one out already!!! YaY!
till next time, Aim

February 5, 2011

the boredom blog

so ive had this blog for quite some time now-but this is my first post. ive planned out many times the things i would say, write down the ideas i had, took pics, etc.... but nothing ever stuck. being a procrastinator, i just never got around to typing anything.

well now, i think ive come up with a good reason to start!

get ready...........

wait for it....


haha no. but really, things are gonna be changing soon and i need a way to let ppl know what im up to and how im doing. yeah sure, i could tell you how i am on facebook, but i wanted something a little more personal. facebook for me is like for mass messages for anybody. "going out to fry", "chilling with the hubby", "work-come visit me!".  short quick messages for no one in particular. you take a quick glance at it. interested? you txt me "what time?" not? you move on to the next 3-5 work post. And honestly, the "friends" list is a joke. you add ppl you work with, went to school with, met at a party, but how often do you really talk to that person? even more, when was the last time you got together, watched a movie, had a drink, done ANYTHING with that person?! we are ALL guilty of this, dont deny. we cant help it though, we are all nosy ppl; curious to see how well or poor the other is doing.
but im getting off topic....personal, right. *breathe*

i think what the mini rant is trying to say is that if you really wanna know whats going on in my life or just more about me, you will make the extra clicks and see me here.

hrm... so i guess for now i'll give a lil preview of whats to come:
  • updates on jon and i and our new adventures
  • pictures-on location, the family, whatever tickles my fancy
  • plans for the future-school, home, money, cars, kids????
  • arts & craft-the starving artist trying to make a living
  • fashion (you know it wouldn't be an Aim blog without it ;D)
  • favorites-sharing my wacky taste with the world.
  • and more.....

ok so not much more to say i guess.
to the ppl that care enough to read this-i love ya'll!
to the ppl who think im a goober-i am what i am.
to the ppl who read this and think "uhhggg...i just wasted 3 minutes of my life!"-i didnt make you read it.... :P
and to the ppl who pass this up....... you can sd,fmsdkfdkjfewknf3i3urhfdiufhdsifhwkdnvcsdvoiekrjnjfurpoop.


edit: re-reading this, i dont think i made any sence at all.....*shrug*......oh well.